Tag Archives: from

Control Your Cholesterol: Protect Yourself from Heart Attack and Stroke

February 2019 Print this issue Protect Yourself from Heart Attack and Stroke Have you had your cholesterol checked? Most adults should have a cholesterol test every 4 to 6 years. That’s because nearly 78 million American adults have high levels of the type of cholesterol that’s linked to heart disease and stroke. Cholesterol is a… Read More »

Newborn baby dies from SYPHILIS in Britain 'for the first time in decades'

Newborn baby dies from SYPHILIS in Britain ‘for the first time in decades’ as cases rise by 20% in a year Cases of the sexually transmitted infection are at their highest since the 1940s Growing numbers of women are passing it on to their babies during pregnancy This is the ‘first time in decades’ it… Read More »

How to tell if a penis rash is from HIV

Similarly to other viral infections, an early symptom of HIV is a rash that can appear anywhere on the body, including the penis. When HIV causes a rash, it appears as a flat red patch with small red bumps. Itchiness is the primary symptom of an HIV rash. HIV rashes typically appear on the upper… Read More »

Doctors remove poisonous CATFISH from man's throat after drinking game

Doctors remove poisonous CATFISH from man’s throat after he tried to swallow it during drinking game and was left vomiting blood The unnamed 28-year-old tried to wash down the fish with a mouthful of beer It used its sharp spines to defend itself and became stuck beside his voice box He and his friends tried… Read More »

Why hospitals' future will involve keeping people from showing up

The biggest challenge hospital operators face is how to keep people from showing up in the first place. That’s the perspective of healthcare experts who spoke on healthcare at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Smartphones, wearable devices, along with time-honored anti-smoking and nutrition approaches are key to keeping hospitals from providing excess, unnecessary… Read More »