Tag Archives: Medical

Playing God: An Investigation Into Medical Democide in the UK

“Playing God: An Investigation into Medical Democide in the UK” is a documentary film that explores allegations of harmful medical practices and policies in the U.K. health care system. Directed by Ash Mahmood and Naeem Mahmood, and co-produced by Phil Graham and investigative journalist Jacqui Deevoy, the film critically examines the unethical and potentially deadly… Read More »

Chinese Medical Herb Fights Tumors

Skullcap (Scutellaria barbata) is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) plant known in China as banzhilian. The Scutellaria genus belongs to the mint family, and while there are 50 Scutellaria species used in TCM, Scutellaria barbata is particularly notable for its anticancer properties.1 Now, researchers with the Centre of Excellence for Plant and Microbial Science (CEPAMS),… Read More »

A counterintuitive strategy when you are sued for medical malpractice

Most physicians have been defendants in lawsuits. Plaintiff experts almost always have a feeding frenzy. In truth, expert witnesses are held to codes of conduct about remaining objective and avoiding partisanship or advocacy.  Yet, should the verdict favor defendants, these experts, except for deserving the term “hired guns,” are rarely, if ever, held accountable for their… Read More »