Tag Archives: Count

Whether You Count Steps or Time Your Walk, What Matters Is Getting Outdoors

The convenience of modern society and the demands of your daily routine can make it very easy to fall into a sedentary lifestyle. Cities and suburbs are designed for the automobile. Many career paths place you firmly behind a desk. We provide our employees with a standing desk and exercise opportunities but many employers do… Read More »

Do i count macros on a keto diet?

James Hardiman has created a nice tutorial for this calculator, top of that ieto usually. Any dietary fiber or sugar alcohol that is added on watch it here. The simplest way to meet your daily fiber needs are by eating more low carb vegetables, having some keto bread with your meals, or taking fiber supplements.… Read More »

Pollen count warning: Hot weekend brings ‘very high’ counts – how to ease hay fever signs

Hay fever season runs between March and September when the pollen count is at its highest. An estimated one in five people in the UK suffer from hay fever symptoms such as itchy eyes, a runny nose, sneezing, headaches and tiredness. The Met Office has warned pollen levels will soar this weekend to “very high”… Read More »

Natural Remedies To Boost Sperm Count And Male Fertility That Are Safe Posted By : Richard Luis

About 20 percent of men tested in UK suffered from low sperm count and about 25 percent of men were at the risk of suffering from infertility due to a number of reasons related to the functioning of male reproductive organs. A number of couples seek ways to conceive but the problem can be poor… Read More »