Category Archives: News

How To Lose Belly Fat Naturally With Herbal Slimming Supplements? Posted By : Jayden Aiden

Among the many factors contributing towards belly fat in humans, slow metabolism is stated to be one of the important factors. Apart from this factor, there are other factors like inappropriate diet, lack of physical activity and genetics that contribute towards weight gain in individuals. For those looking for how to lose belly fat naturally,… Read More »

Two Level Asthma Treatment Plan

The main goals of having an asthma treatment plan are not only treating your asthma before, during, and after an attack but also to help prevent asthma attacks in the future. Many people suffer from asthma which is an inflammatory condition. When a person has asthma they have an inflammation in their airway passage and… Read More »

Legendary Texas Football Coach and Stem Cell Recipient Sam Harrell Returns to Coaching

In 2010, the debilitating effects of multiple sclerosis forced Sam Harrell to retire from his position as Head Football Coach at Ennis High School.  But after receiving 3 courses of stem cell therapy at the Stem Cell Institute in Panama, Sam is returing to the gridiron once again.   Brownwood Lion Head Coach, Bob Shipley… Read More »

Ayurvedic Remedies To Slow Down Aging In Men In A Natural Manner Posted By : Michael Jayden

Like childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age is also a phase of life. With the passing of time aging of the body is unavoidable. People grow older differently, and go through the period in a different way based on lifestyle, attitudes, and above all heredity. Aging brings a complete change in all the sectors of human… Read More »