How to Lose Weight Fast Naturally / No Diet Pills

By | April 1, 2017

You want to lose weight fast and naturally. You don’t want to use diet pills. Congratulations on making a healthy decision. If you continue to make healthy decisions every day, you are well on your way to shedding unwanted weight and finding that trim energetic person locked inside you.

The next major decision is how fast is fast. Losing weight too fast is self-defeating and can boomerang back on you. Your body will think you are starving and will fight your weight loss causing continuous hunger. Eventually you will slide back to those ‘comfort’ foods that you have been studiously avoiding. Ten pounds a month is a realistic goal. The means you can reasonable shed thirty pounds every season. That’s three dress sizes! Your mirror will love you when you reward yourself with a new outfit every season.

There are no magic pills or gimmicks that will melt your fat away. It is a simple formula of less input and more output. Less food in and more effort -exercise out will steadily erode those stubborn pounds. Consistency is the key.

Avoiding gimmicks and fad diets is another healthy decision. Depriving your body of specific food groups is ultimately doomed to failure. You need the nutrients found in fruits and other carbs that low carb diets deprive you of. Eating a high protein diet is sustainable for a short time but your body will send signals that it needs the nutrition found in berries and whole grains.

Gimmicks don’t work over a long period of time but finding ways to trick you brain into staying on track is doable. Here are some realistic and real mental and physical tricks to help you overcome those barriers that lead you away from staying on a healthy track:

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You have heard this and read this in every article and every diet, including the ones found with those diet pills. Water is essential to weight loss. Water helps give you that full feeling. Two glasses before each meal will diminish the amount you ingest during each meal.

Water also flushes out all that nasty debris and toxins that you are trying to get rid of.

Eat smaller meals

Train your body to eat smaller but frequent meals. You will gradually learn to decrease the amount of food you require to feel satisfied. Your appetite will actually shrink as will your stomach.

Sneak in exercise

Watching TV? Put a stationary bike in front of it and use it. Put some weights beside the couch and use them. Do some sit ups. Standing at the bus stop? Jog in place. Do some wall push ups. Twist and stretch. Take the car to work? Park it several blocks away from your office. Sit at a desk all day? Get up and do stretches. Walk every half hour around the office or better yet the building. Go up and down the stairs several times a day.

Add these ‘cheat’ exercises to a regular routine involving a brisk cardio daily as well some resistance exercise to motivate those muscles to become stronger giving you leaner look. Start slow and build up your time being active.

Reward yourself for good behavior.

You ate well all week and did some exercises. Buy a non-edible treat.

Need more frequent rewards to keep on track? Get a calendar. Stick it to your fridge or desk or wherever you will see it often and use stickers like stars every day or every meal if you need to. It is a way to pat yourself on the back. We still have a kid inside us that likes getting gold stars.

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You have a routine and are ready to do this! You are thinking healthy so now eat healthy. Stick to the basic food groups. Avoid fast food, over processed food, refined foods. Look for natural foods. Keep the foods simple. Stick to low fat proteins such as chicken, turkey and fish. Eat eggs for breakfast. Include limited flour based foods like bread and pasta and make sure they are truly WHOLE grain when you do. You should see the grain in the bread.

Eat lots of fresh, raw foods such as vegetables and fruit. The simplest way to increase your weight loss is to increase your daily intake of low starch vegetables. Get lots and lots of broccoli, cauliflower, green and red and yellow peppers, onions, and lots of green leafy stuff especially spinach and kale and watch the weight fall off quickly, naturally and free of diet pills.

Are you looking for more information regarding how to lose weight fast naturally? Visit today!