What Can I Do About Sweating?

By | January 16, 2019

I’m 14 and I sweat constantly. I never had a sweating problem before. Is there anything I can do?

Though it can be embarrassing, sweating — even lots of sweating — is usually normal. One of the many physical changes of puberty is that the body’s 2 to 4 million sweat glands become much more active. This is true not only when you exercise or get hot, but also when you’re feeling some emotions, like anger or nervousness. Some of the glands, such as those in the armpits, also start to make a strange new odor.

Your best bet is to take a bath or shower every day and after exercising or getting hot. Try to find a deodorant or a deodorant-antiperspirant combination that works well for you. Look for one containing 10% to 20% aluminum chloride hexahydrate. It can help to wear clothes made of natural fibers, like cotton. Dressing in layers helps too. That way, if you start to feel hot, you can cool down easily and hopefully avoid sweating.

In rare cases there are medical reasons for lots of sweating. If you notice that you are sweating when resting, when you are sleeping, or if your hands or feet sweat a lot, tell your doctor. In fact, it can help to speak with your doctor anyway; there may be something he or she can do.

*Names have been changed to protect user privacy.

Date reviewed: November 2015

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