Tag Archives: Arthritis

Doctor, When Should Muscle Relaxants be Used For Arthritis?

One question that comes up repeatedly is, “Where do muscle relaxants fall into the treatment approach for different musculoskeletal conditions”? Patients will sometimes ask about them and physicians who see these patients sometimes wonder if these drugs should be considered. Skeletal muscle relaxants are the most widely prescribed drug class in the United States for… Read More »

Organic Body Calm Cream 8 Oz Best Pain Relief for Peripheral Neuropathy, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, JRA, Lower Back, Shoulder & Neck, Gout, Tendonitis – Shea Butter infused with Arnica & MSM

Relax tense muscles and relieve aching neuropathy, neuritis & fibromyalgia with our premium pain relief skin cream. Pain happens to us all, especially as we get older. The longer we live the more we are likely to succumb to sports injuries like Tennis Elbow, or suffer from joint point like neuropathy. Whatever the reason for… Read More »

What Is “Inflammatory Arthritis?”

There is an old joke. It goes like this: “Neurologists diagnose the untreatable while rheumatologists treat the undiagnosable.” Nothing could be truer than when it comes to what is termed “inflammatory arthritis.” Most rheumatologists tend to divide arthritis into two major categories: inflammatory and non-inflammatory. The latter category is also termed “degenerative” arthritis. The major… Read More »

Common Symptoms For Rheumatoid Arthritis – Identification And Other Facts

Rheumatoid arthritis is a novel form of arthritis because it’s an auto-immune illness that can affect more than just the joints in your body. In essence, your immune system malfunctions and begins to attack the joints, organs and/or other components of your body. Nobody knows what causes rheumatoid arthritis however important advances have been made… Read More »