Anxiety Disorder Explained: Anxiety Disorder Types, Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment, Causes, Neurocognitive Disorders, Prognosis, Research, History, Myths, and More! Facts & Information

It is estimated that Anxiety Disorders are some of the most prevalent mental conditions in the world today, and also the most undiagnosed and untreated. While many of us do suffer from anxieties and worries from time to time, how and when do you know that the anxiety, worry and fear that you are feeling… Read More »

Best SEA SPRAY MAGNESIUM OIL w/Aloe – Less Itch – for Anxiety, Sleep Issues, Restless Legs, Migraines, Joint Pain, PMS and more! Safe, Pure, Effective & Non Toxic. FREE eBook! (8 oz)

COMES WITH FREE EBOOK! What is Magnesium Oil? Magnesium oil is not really an “oil”. It is a solution of Magnesium Chloride and trace minerals suspended in a liquid (usually water, but ours is Organic Aloe). Most people have a magnesium deficiency. The deficiency is thought to be so widespread that at least 3 in… Read More »