Author Archives: Health

Dark chocolate could boost mood: study

Eating dark chocolate could boost mood and relieve symptoms of depression, scientists say. Adults who tucked into the treat had 70 per cent lower odds of reporting depressive symptoms than those who ate no chocolate at all, the research showed. The team studied data from 13,626 adults in the US and also found the 25… Read More »

Pfizer’s GSK consumer deal is closed, and generics go next. Will its cash flow recover?

The mammoth consumer health deal Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline struck last December is finally sealed. But things are looking markedly different at Pfizer than they did seven months ago—and that may not be a good thing, analysts say. Earlier this week, the New York drugmaker agreed to merge its off-patent drugs business, dubbed Upjohn, with Mylan,… Read More »