Author Archives: wpadmin

Remedies For Muscle Pain

Muscle spasms occur when a muscle is irritated and they begin to spasm in order to protect themselves from further injury. A muscle may be used over and over for and tighten over time, but the muscle may not go into spasm until a simple movement occurs. So even the simplest task such as picking… Read More »

Accutane Side Effects Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis May Merit An Accutane Lawsuit

Since 1982, Americans have taken a “miracle” acne treatment medicine labeled Accutane. Consumed orally and dispensed via prescription, the potent drug Accutane was supposed to banish blemishes, zits, pimples and other acne through active ingredient Isotretinoin. It enabled skin to renew itself, increase the body’s Vitamin A and lessened the release of oil by the… Read More »

ADIPEX-P (Phentermine): Used for a Limited Period of Time to Speed Weight Loss in Overweight People Who Are Exercising and Eating a Low-Calorie Diet

“Although, your health condition may impact your everyday life, do not let it define who you are.” ADIPEX-P® (phentermine) is used as part of a short-term plan, along with a low calorie diet, for weight reduction. It is used in obese patients who have not been able to lose weight with diet and exercise alone.… Read More »