Tag Archives: Feeling

Medical News Today: Stress: A feeling of control may limit its negative effects

Researchers conducted a study on rats and revealed that the possibility of controlling the source of stress may be key to reducing its impact. Controlling stress is important to reducing its negative consequences. Everybody experiences stress at some point in their lives. Sometimes, stress can be a positive force and lead to positive outcomes. However,… Read More »

A bright home can trick your body clock and leave you feeling tired and groggy, experts say 

How indoor lights can leave you suffering ‘JET LAG’: A bright home can trick your body clock and leave you feeling tired and groggy, experts say Sleep is needed to recover, mentally and physically, from daily life Bright light has direct effect on alertness, it’s like drinking several cups of coffee  Average adult goes to… Read More »

Study: Feeling of loneliness related to age

Loneliness is not a feeling that individuals suffer alone but something that people go through during certain periods in their lifetime. To pinpoint when people feel the loneliest, scientists from the University of San Diego in California, surveyed people between the ages 27 and 101, and analyzed their psychological state. In order to discover if… Read More »

12 Foods to Eat When You’re Feeling Bloated

Can’t poop, and feeling bloated? It happens to the best of us. And while all types of bloat feel awful, there are actually two different kinds: gas bloat and water bloat. The gassy kind of bloat makes you unbutton your jeans after eating certain foods — often beans, dairy, cruciferous veggies like broccoli or cauliflower,… Read More »