So, What If My Period Blood Is Black?

Periods aren’t typically a surprise – until they show up a day or two early while you’re wearing white jeans. What is surprising is the sight of black blood in place of what is usually red. I don’t mean the dark discharge at the start or end of a cycle, I’m talking second-day, heavy-flow, soak… Read More »

Step-Ups: Not As Simple As They Look

While it may sometimes be challenging to see immediately how some resistance exercises translate in real life, it certainly isn’t the case with step-ups. After all, we do some on an everyday basis simply climbing up stairs, don’t we? Yes. And no. Step-ups seem like a really simple exercise, but there are a couple of… Read More »

Self-care for the caregiver

Caregiving can be physically and emotionally exhausting. Whether you are in the profession of caregiving or taking care of a loved one, it is important to remember to recharge your batteries. For family members, caregiving can also lead to additional pressures, such as financial strain, family conflict, and social withdrawal. Over time, caregiver stress can… Read More »

Scaling Back: A New Policy Disagreement Between Clinton and Sanders: Soda Taxes

Upshot Scaling Back A New Policy Disagreement Between Clinton and Sanders: Soda Taxes By Margot Sanger-Katz April 22, 2016 Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have a new issue to disagree about: the wisdom of a soda tax. A tax on sugary soft drinks, like the one proposed in Philadelphia and endorsed by Mrs. Clinton last… Read More »