Category Archives: News

What is Psoriasis?

Scaly skin? What is psoriasis really all about? Affecting more than 8 million people in the U.S., psoriasis is a skin condition believed to be caused by immune dysfunction and inflammation. It usually appears as itchy, red, scaly patches on the elbows, trunk, and scalp. Although there is no cure for psoriasis, those who live… Read More »

Should random COVID-19 tests for kids and teachers be part of our back-to-school plans?

Article content continued Testing comes with its own challenges: Test someone in the early stages of infection and the test might come back “negative,” because there hasn’t been enough time for the person to develop enough viral load to be detectable, said University of Ottawa epidemiologist Raywat Deonandan. “So, a negative result doesn’t necessarily put… Read More »

Prone to motion sickness? Your sex, diet and shoe size may be to blame

We are finally solving the mystery of why motion can make us queasy – just in time to help us deal with nausea-inducing VR headsets, driverless cars and space tourism Health 19 August 2020 By Helen Thomson Somsak Bumroongwong/Eyeem/Getty Images; Neyro2008/Getty Images IT STARTS behind your eyes, a niggling ache that heads down towards your… Read More »