SLEEP: Overcome INSOMNIA and learn about the Causes and Treatments that will help end your SLEEPING DISORDER. (sleep treatments, better sleep, sleep problems, … how to sleep, sleep apnea, apnea)

By | May 1, 2017
SLEEP: Overcome INSOMNIA and learn about the Causes and Treatments that will help end your SLEEPING DISORDER. (sleep treatments, better sleep, sleep problems, ... how to sleep, sleep apnea, apnea)

The Cure for Insomnia: Proven Steps to Overcome Sleep Disorders

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to overcome the difficulty of falling and staying asleep due to insomnia.

Insomnia, alternatively known as sleep deprivation or restlessness, is a slumber issue in which there is a failure to nod off or to stay unconscious for the length of desired time. Sleep deprivation is frequently considered both a therapeutic sign and a symptom that can go hand in hand with a few sleeping, restorative, and psychiatric issue described by a diligent trouble nodding off and/ or staying unconscious or poor quality sleep.

By reading The Cure for Insomnia: Proven Steps to Overcome Sleep Disorders, you will:

  • Understand the three types of insomnia
  • DSM-5 (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association) classification of insomnia, including symptoms
  • The causes and symptoms of Comorbidity (A very severe form of insomnia)
  • The relationship between various hormones and insomnia
  • Pharmacological and non-pharmacological medications used for treatment and prevention of insomnia
  • Non-medicinal therapies for insomnia

This book has given enough information that the average layman can recognize the need for professional evaluation of difficulties in getting enough sleep.

The next step is to look out for insomnia cases and try to overcome by advising precautions and treatments.

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