Why A Digital Detox Is Essential And How To Unplug

As you’re here, reading this, you know that your entire body and mind are craving some rest from the incessant screen exposure, annoying notifications constantly buzzing from your phone, and almost constant communication via social media. So much noise, and yet, so little real bonding or connecting. Since more people are switching to fully-digital careers,… Read More »

Study: Feeling of loneliness related to age

Loneliness is not a feeling that individuals suffer alone but something that people go through during certain periods in their lifetime. To pinpoint when people feel the loneliest, scientists from the University of San Diego in California, surveyed people between the ages 27 and 101, and analyzed their psychological state. In order to discover if… Read More »

InterSystems exec on distributed, data-intensive, rapidly changing world of health IT – Healthcare IT News

There are three primary factors driving health IT today: It is distributed, it is information-intensive, and it is changing rapidly, said Kathleen Aller, director of market strategy for healthcare at InterSystems. The vendor will be focusing on these and other health IT trends, including FHIR and AI, at HIMSS19 in February in Orlando. “The distributed… Read More »