Category Archives: Health News

Is protein whey good for keto diet

The image above shows 20 grams of protein in four different ways. Per serving: 90 calories, 4 g fat, 1 g sat fat, 4 g carbs, 0 g sugar, 10 mg sodium, 2 g fiber, 10 g protein. Many unflavored dairy-based protein powders, especially whey and milk protein isolates, offer this simplicity as they go… Read More »

Diet for clean blood

Your blood is responsible for a lot of things; ranging from transporting oxygen, hormones, sugar, fats and cells to your immune system to cleansing your body system and further keep it moving. Toxins are stored in our body on a daily basis through certain types of foods, pollution and stress among other factors. Detoxification process… Read More »

Low card diet lowers cholesterol

Card assumptions turned out to be false. However, other potential explanations exist. Another option is diet switch to a vegetarian or vegan keto or low-carb approach, which are typically lower in saturated fat. But if you look more low, you see that the card of fat they’re eating didn’t change much, and you see that… Read More »