In the world every women has various personal problem or issue among of the issue weigh is very important. Really women dont like more weight because it gives odd look to women body.
I am giving few simple diet plan for women. I am sure women can lose her weight after strictly following weight loose technique. Weight lose is nothing complicated subject, only spending few moment of reading this article you can get brief knowledge what have to do or not to do.
Diet Plan for Women Weight Loss
Breakfast breakfast play major rule in case women or men. Every people need large or small meal to have breakfast. I am focusing some trick what type of food will take during breakfast. Eat cottage cheese with protein shake. Also take low calorie yogurt or 3 pieces fruit. By eating your body will capture energy to start work. You can also take flavors and mix.
Lunch in the lunch time take some soup or salad up to 20 grams be sure this soup or salad should contain protein. Most of women like to eat salad or soup in dinner food . dont eat one meal, try to eat different meal which contain various vegetable.
Dinners in the period dinner try to eat meal with two dishes of vegetable. Eat more amount of healthy vegetable in order to achieve more amount of protein. Be sure avoiding to eat potato because it provides sugar to your body.
Snacks instead of taking large meal, take small meal, I mean rather than 3 times each day take six time per day. Snacks come under small meal category. Eat bananas and apples as snacks and dont take too much oily food.
Exercise is one of the major technique from which you can stay healthy and younger. Everyday twice go for exercise class up to 1 hour.
So from the basic information of diet tips for women loss weight is very simple and non complicated. By obeying these principles your body will get huge amount of energy
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