Best Diet Books – What Are the Best Diet Books?

By | September 11, 2016

When looking for the best diet books you need to know what you are looking for and what you want to achieve. If you have some sort of illness that requires a specific diet, then you will need to find books that have the correct information for your condition. These types of diet books can be found by typing your condition into a search engine. If you have a condition such as PCOS, you would be able to find the best diet books available by typing in “PCOS diet books” for example.

I will just concentrate on the best diet books for losing weight, as this is the most popular choice that people are looking for. I will start by telling you what types of diet books are not good for sustained weight loss or good for your overall health.

Low Carbohydrate Diet Books.

These kinds of diets were made famous by the Akins Diet, which reduce or almost eliminate carbohydrates from your diet. Although you originally lose weight, much of the weight you lose is due to dehydration and muscle loss. In general you will lose weight in the first three weeks due to water loss and then start putting the weight back on. The reasons for this are simple in the fact that your metabolism will slow which results in your body being unable to burn as many calories. There are other issues such as fat not really being very good for you in the quantities these diets allow, and you will also lack fiber which will increase the risk of cancer in the digestive track. These low carb diets are not good for you and are not the best diet books to get, so steer clear.

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Low Fat Diet Books.

Low fat diets have been the answer to reducing the risk of heart disease and also a way of shedding the pounds. This how-ever has not strictly been proven and recent figures suggest that we have reduced the average amount of fat consumption to calories from 40% to 34%. Even though we have reduced our intake of fats, heart related diseases increased from 1.2 million to 5.4 million. These figures strongly suggest that low fat diets have not had a direct affect on heart related disease. This can be summarised as people not understanding the wrong types of fat and wrongly believing that all fat is bad for you. Some fat is also good for your heart, such as olive oil, but the saturated fats are the real bad fats.

As for losing weight with these kinds of diets, the results are not any better. A study of 50,000 women in a trial that provided just 20% of their calories from fat showed that the average weight loss was just one kilogram. There are also other unforeseen risks, such as the effects on the brain. With the brain being made up of about 70% fat, the lower intake of some fats could affect some brain processes, such as the immune system and hormone levels. I wouldn’t recommend a low fat diet as one of the best diet books to get.

So what are the best diet books to get if you want to lose weight, and not risk your health?

The best diet books are the diet books that allow you to eat the correct amounts of carbohydrates, protein and fats. Yes fat is needed for a healthy lifestyle, but is needed in the correct amounts. The best diet books will indicate that eating foods such as beans, vegetables, fish. Nuts are also good as they have oil in them and fish contains omega 3 fatty acid which is good for the heart. Other foods they will mention are fruits and white meat such as turkey or chicken. All these are probably well known to you, but a lot of these are available as processed foods. Processed food has all kinds of other things added to the actual product and some are not that healthy. This is where a lot of people slip up on a diet believing they are eating healthy. The best diet books will point out what is good and what is bad.

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A good book to purchase would be one that has a diet plan that is easy to follow and will keep you on track without you getting bored of the foods you are eating. I would recommend STF as this gives you all the information on where you might have gone wrong before, and also comes with a diet generator that plans your meals for the next two weeks. This has huge benefits as you always have the correct foods in your cupboard or fridge to stop yourself from slipping. A common mistake a lot of dieters make is not having their diets readily available for them, so they just end up eating the wrong types of food because it’s convenient.

You can find the STF diet by clicking on STF Dieting; I believe this is one of the best diet books you can buy. Also the three top things that people who have lost weight and kept the weight of can be found at The Compare Products.

You can find the STF diet by clicking on STF Dieting; I believe this is one of the best diet books you can buy. Also the three top things that people who have lost weight and kept the weight of can be found at The Compare Products.

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