Author Archives: Health

U.S. judge strikes down Trump administration rule requiring drug prices in TV ads

(Reuters) – A federal judge on Monday dealt a blow to the Trump administration by striking down a new rule that would have forced pharmaceutical companies to include the wholesale prices of their drugs in television advertising. A pharmacist refills a container in a drug dispensing machine at the Rock Canyon pharmacy in Provo, Utah,… Read More »

Plant a Great Vegetable Garden

Since May 19 is World Plant a Vegetable Garden Day, we thought this would be a good time for everyone to plant a garden. Here are six good starter suggestions. Eating several servings of vegetables daily is a priority for a healthy diet. But instead of always having to run to the supermarket or local farm… Read More »

Dr Miriam Stoppard: HPV vaccination jabs are vital to beat cervical cancer

This is important. Routine vaccination of Scottish girls in the 12-13 age group against the human papillomavirus (HPV) has led to a dramatic fall in the disease that leads to cancer of the cervix. Vaccination works again! The HPV vaccination programme is so successful that even unvaccinated women are protected against HPV by “herd protection”… Read More »