The Best Diet For Belly Fat

By | October 8, 2016

If you’re wondering what the best diet for belly fat is, the best way to lose pounds from this area of your body is to begin a diet that you can stay on. Read about what each plan requires you to do before starting on it. You need to know what you’ll have to do on the plan to know whether or not you can stick with it. If you’re only allowed to drink liquids or eat soup all day, you probably won’t stay on the diet long enough to get rid of the fat. A diet should have 1,000 up to 1,600 calories per day or you may be too hungry to stick with it.

Diets designed to lose belly fat in a week

Of course, if you are 50 pounds overweight, you are not going to lose belly fat in a week -not all of it at least. You can begin a diet to reduce the size of your belly and see the difference in only a week though because the first step is to begin eating to reduce bloating. This will be a definite boost to your confidence that you will be able to stay on the diet and lose weight. Your stomach will be flatter without the bloating, and you’ll find that it wasn’t so hard after all. One popular plan requires you to drink a special mix of spices, juice, and other ingredients for four days to kick-start your diet and to reduce bloating.

A plan proven to work

The best diet for belly fat loss is a proven plan that allows you to eat 1,600 calories a day. The secret of this plan is that you eat monounsaturated fat at every meal. These are in olive, flax, soybean, and sunflower oils. They are also in dark chocolate, nuts, seeds, and avocados. On this plan, you can eat fruits, beans, seeds, lean chicken and pork, and vegetables. The creators of this diet say that you can lose 15 pounds in about a month on. You don’t need to count calories – you choose what you want to eat from 28 different menus that can be changed, so it is fairly easy for most people to stay on.

Other tips for finding the best diet for belly fat

Some research has shown that eating whole grains, such as whole wheat bread, brown rice, and whole wheat pasta, make it possible to lose belly fat. Other plans can also help you lose belly fat in a week, such as the ones that tell you to stop eating sugar, white flour products, and processed foods. They are right in saying that you will lose your belly because these foods have the most calories and the least amount of nutrition for your body. They keep you hungry and wanting more sugary food, and it’s almost impossible to lose weight when you eat many of them. Doctors and nutritionists say that any diet will help you lose fat in your belly area because it is the first place that 95 percent of people lose weight. It is best to avoid fad eating plans in which you eat only one food because when you go back to regular eating, you may regain the weight that you lost and even more. The best diet for belly fat is the one with monounsaturated fats that allows you to eat up to 1,600 calories each day.

If you’re looking for the best diet for belly fat then I highly recommend taking a look at my rapid fat loss blog. You’ll find some great tips on the best diet for belly fat as well as other great resources for weight loss.