Tag Archives: Pressure

Blood pressure medication recall: What you need to know

The Food and Drug Administration just announced a recall of Valsartan, a potentially life-saving blood pressure medication, after the discovery of a cancer-causing contaminant found in some batches. This is the third recall for this type of medication in 2018. Teva Pharmaceuticals has recalled amlodipine/Valsartan and amlodipine/Valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide combination tablets, medications that are commonly used to… Read More »

Medical News Today: Could blue light reduce blood pressure?

Exposure to blue light may help combat hypertension, according to a recent study. If the findings are replicated in a larger sample, blue light could provide a cost-effective and side effect-free intervention. Blue light may be the future of blood pressure treatment. The results of an investigation into the effects of blue light on high… Read More »

Global Health: Former Surgeons General Recount Political Pressure on the Job

It made an arresting tableau: four former surgeons general, aged 68 to 85, all in their blue admirals’ uniforms, together on stage like four grizzled Civil War veterans rehashing their biggest battles, and how they were treated afterward by the President and Congress. But this was no re-enactment of Bull Run or Shiloh. It was… Read More »