Simple Treatments For Depression

  Our emotions change with the ups and downs of our lives. This is perfectly natural, but a problem arises when the down feelings do not go away. This may be an indication of a mood disorder such as depression.   Depression afflicts people of all ages, but it is a particular problem for adults… Read More »

Researchers Find Microplastics in Stool Samples

Tests reveal both tap water and bottled water1 contain microplastics, as does your household dust2 and many foods, especially seafood3,4 and sea salt,5 but also any food that has been stored in plastic packaging. The suspicion that we’re consuming our own plastic pollution was recently reconfirmed when researchers reported the discovery of microplastic particles in… Read More »

Thanksgiving Deer Hunt? Sounds Like a Great Time to Talk to the Kids About Guns

We were finalizing our travel plans for Thanksgiving, which we spend with my family in Vermont. Our 13-year-old son, who usually loves going, was hesitant about the trip this year, but he wouldn’t say why. So, we asked his older sister to investigate; they’re close. She told us his reluctance has to do with a… Read More »