What are the top health IT priorities in Europe? Not so different from the U.S.

Hospital IT executives in Europe share many of the same priorities and face many similar challenges as CIOs in other regions of the globe, including the United States, according to the HIMSS Analytics Annual European eHealth Survey 2018 released on Wednesday. Among them: empowering patients, sharing health information, protecting sensitive data and managing the growing… Read More »

Hit the gym to last twice as long in bed

Consider this your motivation to get today’s workout done By Annie Hayes Posted on November 8, 2018 Science boffins often tell us about things we don’t want to hear, like a global warming-induced beer shortage or that our gym equipment is loaded with disgusting germs. But every now and again, gratifying research comes along to… Read More »

Health in 2 Point 00 Episode 58

Today on Episode 58 of Health in 2 Point 00, Jess and I have more to share from Exponential Medicine, but this time we’re at the Health Innovation Lab checking out all of the startups. In this episode, Jess and I talk to Meghan Conroy from CaptureProof about decoupling medical care from time and location, Care… Read More »