Beyond the Intake Form: Why Coaches Must Do the Work to Know Their Clients

If you’ve been following and writing for Girls Gone Strong these past few years, you’ve noticed an exciting shift in the GGS community’s conversations. Now more than ever before, trainers and enthusiasts are recognizing that women are more than just bodies, and that a truly inclusive approach to fitness means understanding how race, sexuality, sex,… Read More »

Propaganda Machine of $4.3 Billion Influenza Vaccine Industry Is in Full Swing

Flu season is upon us again — the time of year when the steady message is “Have you gotten your flu shot yet?” Considering the many studies showing flu vaccines offer minimal protection against illness even when well-matched to circulating viral strains, the fact that vaccination continues to be touted as your first line of… Read More »

New cholesterol guidelines for heart health: What you need to know

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. A group of physicians at Johns Hopkins Medicine and the American Heart Association have released updated guidelines on managing cholesterol to minimize the risk of heart attack, stroke, and death. The new guidelines advocate for more aggressive treatment with statin therapy and getting LDL… Read More »