Can guys do yoga

What are the benefits of yoga for men? Peacock found that women are stronger than men when it comes to staying focused. He owes his success to 1 strategy. Blue Osa guest teacher John Thurman, ex-army veteran, decided to change his lifestyle and become a yoga teacher. Yoga schools and studios keep popping up like… Read More »

When is anorexia you

Extreme self-control is also common in anorexia. Though it most commonly affects adolescent girls and women, anorexia can develop in anyone of any gender, age, race, or cultural background. Anorexia nervosa, more commonly known as anorexia, is both an eating disorder and a metabolic condition that results in excessive weight-loss and extreme thinness caused by… Read More »

COVID-19 Cases Rebound Across the South and West

Linda Bell, MD, state epidemiologist, South Carolina. Cyrus Shahpar, MD, medical epidemiologist; director, Prevent Epidemics Team, Resolve to Save Lives, New York City. Carlos Del Rio, MD, professor and chair, Department of Global Heath, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta. Sarah Fortune, MD, professor of immunology and infectious diseases, Harvard… Read More »