Can Early Exposure Fix Food Allergies?

SOURCES: Maria Garcia-Lloret, MD, associate professor of pediatrics, division of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, UCLA Health; co-director, UCLA food allergy clinic. Erica Broido, Los Angeles. UCLA Health: “Spotlight on Food Allergies: Pediatrics Allergy and Immunology...

Valium how to get prescription

Error: This is required. Error: Not a valid value. Diazepam is a medicine mainly used to treat people with anxiety. To get diazepam, you need a prescription written for you by a doctor. Diazepam is...

When do type 1 diabetics die

While the lifespan of people with type 1 diabetes has increased progressively since the advent of insulin therapy, these patients still experience premature mortality, primarily from cardiovascular disease CVD. However, a subgroup of those with...

How to treat or get rid of a stye

A stye, which a doctor might call a hordeolum, is a bump that develops on the eyelid or at the base of the eyelashes. A bacterial infection is the cause of most styes. The majority...