Fast Diet Tips – Let’s Blow The Myths About Metabolism Links To Dieting…

By | September 19, 2016

Can you blame a slow metabolism as the reason for weight gain and your fast diet apparently not working? Many people try this excuse – you must have heard this many times…

They wail, ‘I can’t lose weight however little food I eat because I’ve got a naturally slow metabolic rate’… No fast diet success for them then?

A great deal of misleading information is written about people’s metabolism and how it impacts on a successful fast diet. It gives people an excuse for not losing weight successfully…

The information tells us that an individual’s metabolism has to be increased for successful weight loss. We are lead to believe that if we eat particular types of food at certain times of the day our metabolic rate will rise… Along with all this is the fact that constantly losing and then regaining weight impacts negatively on a person’s metabolism and the body then burns off excess calories less effectively…

The good news is that recent research has shown that all the above aren’t true. Another truth is that there isn’t a anything magical about boosting your body’s metabolic rate.

The rate at which our bodies use energy depends on a number of factors, over many of which we have little or no control.

Unfortunately girls, men have naturally a faster metabolism than us… Unfair but true!

Age is factor and again, unfortunately our metabolism slows down as we grow older… Unfair again… But, I don’t know about you, I’d much rather get old with a slower metabolism than not get old at all!

An additional factor that impacts on metabolism is the size of an individual and the composition of their body. Plumper people frequently moan about their slower metabolism but actually they’re slightly deluded as they actually use energy at a greater rate than slimmer people because they’ve got a greater body mass to keep in operation!

Bodies that use more energy, burning more calories than others, are those with a greater muscle mass. If you want a faster metabolism you have to have a leaner body with more muscle on board.

And how do you acquire this energy using, calorie burning body? By exercising and by getting fit. You need to get your heart working harder and more efficiently. By using weight bearing and cardiovascular exercises to use up fat stores and build muscle you’ll achieve your aims. And the great thing about muscle is that even after you’ve finished exercising your muscles keep on working. What a great result, eh?

When your metabolism increases you’ll see it have a great impact on your fast diet… You’ll not only feel great but look great too…

For fast weight loss visit the Fast Diet Centre to access valuable free advice, information and current research to guide you to successful weight loss and healthy living. Are you troubled by cellulite? Visit Anti Cellulite Treatment for advice on the latest research to help you get rid of your orange peel skin!

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