Differences between Master Cleanse Diet and the Paleo Diet

By | October 18, 2016

The Master Cleanse Diet is a detoxifying agent that also facilitates weight loss among its users. The diet is associated with the lemonade diet, the maple syrup diet and cayenne pepper diet. The master cleanses diet uses the above-mentioned additives as its core ingredients. The Master cleanse diet’s popularity has surged owed to the use of the formula by the famous musical sensation Beyonc. The diet has been described as fast despite the findings that up to 1,300 calories are consumed per day as sugar from the constituent beverages. The formula was originally developed and used as a cure for stomach ulcers. The Master Cleanse Diet borrows its name from the popular book by Stanley Burroughs titled the master cleaner.

Master Cleanse Diet vs. Paleo Diet

The master purify is a detoxifier that gets rid of excess fat and exists in the form of a modified juice. On the additional hand, the Paleo Diets are diets that are limited to particular meals. The Paleo Diet permits the consumption of grains, legumes, roots, and vegetables of edible plants, dairy item, sugar, and salt. The Master Cleanse Diet requires the individual to drink a quarter glass of water with two teaspoonful of salt included every morning. A choice to the water is laxative tea. In the course of the day, the dieter is anticipated to take between 6 and twelve glasses of an unique lemonade recipe explained in the book. In the evening, the dieter ought to take one more cup of laxative tea. Paleo Diet notes specific regulation led by just what the hunters and gatherer took. Meticulous observers of the Paleo Diet do not take some refreshments and liquor. Whereas The Master Cleanse Diet notes a no meals prescription, the Paleo restrains the type of food to be consumed on healthy and balanced diets.


Both diets emphasizes against the intake of caffeine and liquor. Master Cleanse diet and Paleo Diet both highlight on the requirement to avoid particular meals and welcome lifestyle modifications. Both diets are largely interesteded in the meals consumption. However, Paleo Diet emphasizes more on the specified meals to be eaten than Master Cleanse diet.


Paleo Diet concentrates on lasting measures toward diet control measures while the Master Cleanse diet concentrates on short-term control. The Master Cleanse Diet takes a short time before the results are observed (10 days) while the Paleo Diet takes a longer.

Way of living change

Paleo Diet can easily be executed in bistros while The Master Cleanse Diet is not compatible with restaurant dieting. The Master Cleanse Diet requires that the dieter fasts with a calorie usage cap of 700 calories per day while the Paleo Diet does not call for fasting and enables usage of 2000 calories per day.

Restrained foods

Master Cleanse Diet restricts the dieter from consuming many foods while the Paleo Diet restricts the dieters from taking fast foods, fried foods, salty foods, preservatives, and sweets among others. Master Cleaner requires fasting within the period of observation while Paleo Diet restricts the consumption of some foods over a long period.

Want to find out more about Master Cleanse Diet