Avoid Dialysis, 10 Step Diet Plan for Healthier Kidneys

By | September 1, 2017
Avoid Dialysis, 10 Step Diet Plan for Healthier Kidneys

Avoid dialysis by following 10 Step Diet Plan by a Board Certified Renal Dietitian. Easy to understand explanation of your protein, potassium, phosphorus and sodium requirements. Charts and graphs provided as visual aids. Learn what your laboratory test mean and how to track your progress. Detailed diet information from which type of lettuce is lowest in potassium to which milk is lower in phosphorus. Eating out guides and 7 days of menus are provided. A-Z of what you need to know about diet for CKD and 10 steps to follow in order to avoid dialysis.

  • Hot of the press strategies written by a board cetified renal specialist who has helped many peole avoid dialysis
  • Learn about the stages of Chronic Kidney Disease and pick an individual diet strategy
  • Not a one size fit all book. Nutrition advice for each stage of kidney disease
  • Learn about medications, lab test, step by step guide to delay or prevent dialysis
  • delay or avoid dialysis with research based guide