2 Pack Travel Size Himalayan Rock Salt Lamp Night Light Kitchen Bathroom Odor Remover Negative Ion Balanced Atmosphere Hallway Bedroom Office Staircase Travel Friendly Compact Sized Healthy Living

By | February 2, 2018
2 Pack Travel Size Himalayan Rock Salt Lamp Night Light Kitchen Bathroom Odor Remover Negative Ion Balanced Atmosphere Hallway Bedroom Office Staircase Travel Friendly Compact Sized Healthy Living

The Himalayan salt lamp is a ideal home healthcare product for anyone that wants to create a cleaner atmosphere using an all natural ionizer. Once powered on, the salt lamp will purify the surrounding air and settle the dust particles from the air to the ground by adding an extra dose of concentrated negative ions to the air. Hand carved and made directly from the Himalayan mountain salt mines in Pakistan, each lamp is unique and illuminates a calm and soothing amber color. The gentle light that is emitted can serve as a gentle nightlight in a child’s room, a relaxing light by your workspace or a natural homeopathic light situated in anywhere in your home or business.

Top Benefits Of A Hima Salt Lamp

All natural way to deodorize and purify your surrounding air – clean the air using the power of Hygroscopic science. Remove airborne dust, pollen and cigarette smoke smell.

Great for allergy and asthma symptoms – having one or 2 lamps in the rooms you spend a lot of time in can greatly reduce allergy symptoms.

Help with that nagging cough – Himalayan salt lamps expel negative ions which increases cilial activity to keep your lungs fresh and clear.

Increase your energy level naturally – invigorate yourself by breathing in a higher concentration of negative ion in the air.

Get a better night of sleep – overexposure to positive ions in the air can reduce quality sleep. A Himalayan salt lamp can help reverse this problem. Keep the lamp on during the day to ionize the room while turning it off at night to sleep.

Relax your mood and improve on concentration – increased negative ion will give you a boost of serotonin, serotonin is literally the neurotransmitter that makes us feel happy.

Improve the symptoms of seasonal allergy disorder – fight back the tiredness when the days become shorter.

  • Compact and portable – simply plug in and switch on with minimal hassle. Own a piece of the Himalayan with this negative ion releasing air purifier while creating a peaceful and ambient atmosphere.
  • Breath cleaner in your home or workspace. Salt rock crystal when heated can clear a variety of annoying allergens such as pollen, pet dander, pet hair, secondhand cigarette smoke, smog from large cities and other harmful pollutants.
  • UL listed for peace of mind. Cordless and plugs directly into any 2 prong outlet with built in on off switch on base of bulb.
  • In any modern home, when a few people are gathered in the same room, the amount of negative ion can fall to a dangerously low level. This is due to harmful and unhealthy positive ions that are emitted from mobile phones, large flatscreen TVs, computers, laptops and other basic home electronics that can contribute. One or several Himalayan salt lamps placed in the proper place can supercharge the air and get rid of all the unhealthy positive ions that are detrimental to health.
  • The Himalayan salt is one of the most magical all-natural substance found on earth, the reserve is estimated to be somewhere between 80 and 600 million tons. With the current extraction rate, Himalayan salt mines are projected to last for another 300+ years at the current extraction. You have made the right decision for you and your family by purchasing this lamp.