Try these weight management supplements to promote healthy digestion, metabolism, and energy.
Looking to drop a few pounds for the new year? We hate to break the bad news, but long lasting and effective weight management isn’t a simple task, it’s actually a lot of hard work. But, there are some natural weight management supplements that you can try along with a healthy diet and exercise. They can help you meet your weight loss goals and stay there. Here’s what you need to know.
3 Ways to Support Your Weight Loss Goals
Metabolism Support
A healthy metabolism is the key to weight management. After all, metabolism is the rate your body turns the food you eat into energy. It isn’t a set rate either. A healthy diet full of lean protein and veggies, plus regular exercise and supplements can all have an impact on your metabolism. Supporting it is one of the easiest things you can do when focusing on weight management.
- L-Glutamine – This compound is great for keeping supporting a healthy metabolism. It also helps curb sugar and alcohol cravings. Try it in supplement form, such as L-Glutamine 1000mg by NOW Foods.
- 7-Keto – Help support your immune system with this unique DHEA supplement. 7-Keto by Integrative Therapeutics contains DHEA, which is important to a healthy functioning metabolism and immune system. It is also a key part of our adrenal glands, which are closely linked to weight management. As we age, however, our levels of DHEA decrease, so supplementation is important.
- Green Tea – Drinking green tea is a great boost for your metabolism, but you can also use green tea supplements, such as by Gaia Herbs, in a pinch.
Digestion Support
A healthy functioning digestion system is so important for weight management. You already know about the typical signs of poor digestion, such as bloating, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea and gas. These symptoms may seem temporary, but what’s happening inside could be keeping you from meeting your weight loss goals.
Poor digestion can inhibit your body from absorbing the nutrients it needs from the food you eat, and sugars that sit in your colon cause you to crave sugar more, which can become a cycle that will wreak havoc on your waistline. Help get back on track with these supplements.
Energy Support
Energy is crucial when we’re trying to meet our weight loss goals. Unfortunately, we can often feel a lack on energy while dieting and transitioning into new routines. To help curb that, there are many natural supplements you can use to get a little pep back in your step, and keep you motivation up. Here are some options:
- Iron – The main symptom of low iron is fatigue. Have yours checked and keep your levels up with supplements, such as Vitamin Code Raw Iron by Garden of Life.
- Vitamin B12 – All B vitamins are natural energy boosters, but especially B12. Try Vitamin Code Raw B-12 by Garden of Life, a vegan, whole-food B12 supplement for vegetarians and vegans.
- MCT Oil – Get your energy back by upgrading your healthy fats. Try MCT Oil USP by NuMedica, which can be used on its own or for cooking in place of other oils.
So what’s your secret to healthy weight management? Tell us about your routine, and the weight management supplements that you use, in the comments below!