Top 10 Tips To Deal With Dryness During Winter

By | January 20, 2019

Cold weather not only affects your skin but also makes your skin dry. In fact, winter dryness can make your skin look dull and lifeless. Winter dryness also causes fine lines and wrinkles on your skin.

There many ways through which you can prevent winter dryness. You can also deal with winter dryness by applying moisturizing creams. Lifecell skin cream helps to moisturize your dry skin and makes your skin soft.

Listed are 10 tips to deal with dryness during winter, read on.

Stay hydrated

staying-hydrated-at-workIt’s important that you stay hydrated during the winter season. Drink at least ten to fifteen glasses of water on a daily basis. Internal hydration not only cleanses your system but also keeps your skin moisturized. Drink lots of fruit and vegetable juices during winters to stay hydrated.
Don’t have caffeinated drinks as it will dehydrate your body and skin. Even if you don’t feel thirsty, it is must to have a good quantity of water during winters. You can also have herbal teas as that will help to keep you warm and hydrated.

Use a good moisturizer

woman-applying-moisturizing-cream-on-hands-Use a good moisturizer for your winter dryness. Moisturizer helps to lock the Ph balance of your skin. Most moisturizers contain lactic acid that helps to seal the natural moisture of your skin.
Always choose a moisturizer best suited to your skin. Natural and organic moisturizers are great for winter dry skin. During winters, apply a moisturizer at least two times a day if your skin is too dry.

Don’t use harsh soaps

bottles-with-liquid-soap-or-lotion-at-spaDon’t use harsh soaps on your skin during winters. Soaps can cause moisture loss and make your skin dry. You can use gentle cleansers instead of soaps. As most soaps contain emulsifiers, it affects your skin in winters.

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Avoid any kind of perfumed or deodorant soaps on your skin. You can also choose to apply products that are soap free during winters. Natural skin cleansing products contain added moisturizer that helps to make your skin supple during winters. Do choose a product that suits your skin.

Always use a humidifier

different-types-of-air-conditioners-and-electricAlways use a humidifier along with a heater. Spending too much time indoors along with heaters can also cause skin dryness. To help lock the moisture of your skin, use a good humidifier too. Humidifiers can replenish the moisture in the air that a heater sucks out. Setup a good humidifier in your room to make a difference. This will help to prevent winter dryness on your skin.

Apply natural oils on your skin

oranges-oil-and-orangeDo you know that natural oils are great to deal with winter dry skin? You can apply natural coconut oil on your skin to get rid of dryness. You can also mix coconut oil with jojoba oil and apply it on your dry skin. Do this once or twice a week to moisturize your skin. Don’t apply oils if your skin is too sensitive. Oils work on dry skin texture.

Have a balanced diet

buddha-bowl-dinnerYour diet intake also affects your skin during winters. If you have good fats, it will help you with your dry skin. Have a very balanced diet with lots of vitamins and nutrients. If possible, cut back on sugar and caffeine. It can affect your skin in winters. Healthy diet is the key to get fairer complexion. Dry skin makes your skin dull, flaky and lifeless. Healthy diet can be maintained by changing your eating habits.

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Also, cut back on alcohol as it causes dryness to an extent. Don’t forget to drink lots of liquids for internal hydration of your skin.

Benefits of cold water

refresh-in-the-morningShower with cold water and a relaxing bath calm the nerves and reduce the stress related damage to the skin. Soak your entire body in cold water to rejuvenate the skin and make your skin glowing.

It eliminates redness of the skin and make the skin soft. It reduces the appearance of acne and prevents from dryness.

When we splash cold water on face, it gives freshness and also reduce eye puffiness. Drink plenty of water to help keep dehydration away and make your skin glowing.

Avoid hot baths

smiling-man-having-a-sauna-bath-in-a-steam-roomAgreed hot water baths can give you much-needed respite during winters. But, do you know that the intense heat of the hot showers breaks down the lipid barriers of the skin. This affects the skin and causes dryness and dullness.

Use natural products

natural-hair-treatment-productsWater is important to maintain the optimal skin moisture and deliver essential nutrients to the skin cells. It rejuvenates the skin and increases its elasticity. This also helps delay the appearance of signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines. It is also helpful for protect your skin from dryness.
Use products that does not have artificial components such as colors and fragrances. It is also an essential point to keep in mind that we always check the ingredients used in the product, which you are going to buy. Stay away from products with alcohol in them.

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Shower with gel body wash and add sunscreen in routine

young-woman-with-pink-manicure-applies-creamGel-based body wash has a good amount of essential oils and which will not drain out all of your oil from your skin.

Even there is no sunshine and gray out there, UV rays that can cause sun damage and age your skin are still out there.

Throughout winter all of us think how to deal with dry, flaky skin . I crafted here beautiful ways to hack dry skin, so you can welcome the winter happily. With some beauty routine hacks, you’ll be on your way to your gorgeous and moisturized yourself in no time.

Follow a skin care routine of cleansing and moisturizing to deal with winter dry skin.

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