The 5 Healthiest Breakfasts You Can Eat, According to a Nutritionist

By | May 21, 2021

When we’re looking to start our mornings off with a healthy and nutritious meal, it can be sort of difficult to know where to start. From hidden sugars to too many carbs, there are myths and facts out there that are hard to differentiate. Case in point, the first part of our advice would be to shop for healthy, whole foods, and try to make everything from scratch. The next would be to read the nutrition label to find out what the macros are, but more importantly, the health content (like fiber, saturated fat, etc.). For us, it’s almost always a no-brainer. We love a good omelet or chia pudding that we have made overnight. For other options, we did some research to find out what else we could possibly have for our first meal of the day. Keep reading for more!

The 5 Healthiest Breakfasts You Can Eat

1) Oatmeal

For someone who’s looking to replace a sugary cereal, oatmeal is a great option. It’s made from ground oats, which contain a great amount of fiber. You’ll get reduced cholesterol and feel full, all at the same time. Oatmeal also contains antioxidants. If you are gluten-free or have an allergy, try and find a gluten-free option as these do contain gluten.

healthiest breakfasts
Image: Alex Motoc via Unsplash

2) Eggs

If you’re looking for another way to feel full and get great health benefits, having eggs is great for you. It creates feelings of fullness, reduces calorie intake, and keeps your blood sugar and insulin levels low. Egg yolks also help with many diseases of the brain, and even the eye! This is a great way to get your protein levels in the morning.

healthiest breakfasts
Image: Christian Coquet via Unsplash

3) Chia pudding

Chia seeds are chock-full of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, minerals, and antioxidants. If you’re looking to improve your digestive health, this is the way to go. Pop it in the fridge overnight with plant-based milk and it’ll be ready to eat in the morning! We love adding berries to the mix.

healthiest breakfasts
Image: Rezel Apacionado via Unsplash

4) Protein pancakes or shake

Protein powder like whey, soy, and pea protein are amazing to have when you’re in a rush or on the go. Protein is great for those of us who exercise regularly and need to make sure that our muscles stay intact or grow. We like to have it in a shake form or if you have time, create protein pancakes. These can be done a number of ways but are usually some combo of protein powder, eggs, and milk. You can throw them on the pan and quickly cook on both sides. Top with berries for a delicious combo!

See also

Libido boosting yoga
healthiest breakfasts
Image: Jennifer Pallian via Unsplash

5) Yogurt and fruit

Yogurt and fruit are delicious and nutritious. If you’re not plant-based and can eat dairy, yogurt is a great probiotic to have during the day to make sure your digestive system is moving along perfectly. Having fruits and more importantly, berries can also help, as they are a great source of fiber and antioxidants. This is one of the healthiest breakfasts that you can have.

healthiest breakfasts
Image: Brooke Lark via Unsplash
