The first Surya Grahan of 2020 will take place on June 21. The Annular solar eclipse, will form a ‘ring of fire’ that will grace the skies today. However, many people wish to know what should and shouldn’t be done during the sutak time which is considered inauspicious amid a Surya Grahan aka solar eclipse. We have your back with Surya Grahan 2020 dos and don’ts during sutak time today. For those who don’t know the sun will be covered by the shadow of the moon almost fully, but leaving a ring of light illuminated for the spectators. It is thus called the Ring of Fire too. Sky observers and those who like looking and studying the eclipses, it is an exciting event. But for some, any kind of eclipse is associated with negative energies and thus people are advised to stay indoors. This is called the sutak phase. It begins 12 hours prior to the time of the eclipse. In this article, we tell you the sutak timings and what should be avoided during a solar eclipse. Surya Grahan 2020 Date and Time in India: Know All About Annular Solar Eclipse Which Will Look Like a Ring of Fire.
Surya Grahan Sutak Timings
The surya grahan on June 21 will begin from 9.15 AM and end at 3.04 PM. The peak point of this grahan will be at 12.10 PM. Sutak begins 12 hours prior so it will start from 9.15 PM on June 20 and end only after the eclipse ends. Surya Grahan 2020 Sutak Time in India: Know The Inauspicious Period During Annular Solar Eclipse on June 21.
Do’s and Don’ts During Surya Grahan Sutak
- At the time of an eclipse, people can involve themselves in doing meditation and chanting any mantras. Surya mantra or Mahamritunjay mantra can bring one peace.
- It is advised to stay indoors during the entire time, as negative energies are more on the outside.
- Pregnant women have to be extra careful and do not expose themselves to the sunrays during an eclipse. It is said to have an impact on the health of a child. Solar Eclipse 2020 Pregnancy Precautions: Will the Surya Grahan Harm the Baby? FAQs About the ‘Ring of Fire’ Expecting Mothers Should Know Of.
- People even avoid cooking meals during the sutak phase. One should stay away from fire and knives.
- One should not touch idols, tulsi and shami tree leaves.
- Religious rituals and practices are not to be carried out during a solar eclipse. Thus, many temples also remain closed during the hours.
- People should take a bath after the grahan is finished.
- If possible, clean your home by sprinkling some holy water in the corners of your house.
These are some of the practices that people are advised to follow during a solar eclipse. It depends on an individual’s beliefs on following them.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 20, 2020 09:55 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).
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