Remedies For Muscle Pain

By | August 19, 2017

Muscle spasms occur when a muscle is irritated and they begin to spasm in order to protect themselves from further injury. A muscle may be used over and over for and tighten over time, but the muscle may not go into spasm until a simple movement occurs. So even the simplest task such as picking up a cup could lead to a painful muscle spasm. This can feel like tightness in the muscles of the affected area. If the initial injury is not treated the spasms will continue.

The common symptoms of stiffness, pain and swelling in joints could easily affect the surrounding muscles and give you mixed signals. Therefore, recognizing whether the pain comes from a joint or a muscle may not be an easy task for someone suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

There are also some homes remedies to relieve muscle pain. These include treatments like putting ice packs, engaging in physical aides such as wrist, wraps or back braces that tend to minimize muscle strain via helping to hold joints and bones in correct positions.

muscle pain after exercise:

1. Amino Acids – These are very inexpensive and can be purchased at your local vitamin store for less than $ 7 for a 15 day supply.

2. Fish Oil – Fish oil contains Omega 3 fatty acids and will reduce inflammation in the joints as well as shorten the length of your muscle pain.

3. Aspirin – This is a tried and true pain reliever. 2-4 aspirin tablets taken a few hours after a workout will help reduce DOMS.

4. Stretching – Performing a few minutes of stretching before a workout or sports activity will not only help eliminate later muscle pain but will also help prevent serious injury.

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With this cause of lower back muscle pain, the reason you feel it in this region is because the lower back muscles are the ones that do the extra work when lifting and carrying things. If you had a stronger core, however, you would feel the deep abdominal muscles engage when you properly lifted items and would be able to avoid lower back muscle pain.

The best treatment protocol is to never allow the muscle pain to start but with chronic pain patients it’s rare for any patient to have effective intervention prior to the muscle pain starting. Muscle pain is generally a secondary pain originating due to guarding, shielding, and posturing due to original pain sourcing.

To reduce muscle pain you can have regular massages, use ice packs, or resting periods. There are also certain lotions and balms that provide muscle pain relief.

Natural Remedies to Reduce Muscle Pain

1.Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night.
2.Take a green-lipped mussel oil supplement.
3.Massage a blend of essential oils of arnica, Calendula and St John’s work into the affected painful area.
4.Eat a whole food, mineral rich diet with plenty of vegetables and whole grains.

There are many causes of joint pains making you restless and bothersome. Joint pain is not the disease itself but the symptom of mild to serious disease. Fever can be the cause of generalized joint pains. It can be caused due to sprain or ligament injury, cartilage tearing, dislocations and sports injuries such as tennis elbow and swimmers shoulder in the case of injuries with swelling and redness around the injured part.

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Another way to control the pain is by simply applying ice on the affected muscle. Cold temperature can relax the muscle and make the swelling controllable. It can manage the pain quickly because the ice will reduce the inflammation of the muscle. Use cold compress method within the first 72 hours of muscle pain.

There are several herbal oils that can have a wonderful effect on muscle pains. Some of the oils that are prevalently used for muscle pain massages include castor oil and olive oil. The massage must be done by an expert, always moving the hands in the direction of the pain. The idea is to allow the muscle wastes to enter the circulatory stream of the body and then go out with the other wastes. Done properly, a single massage session should be great for muscle pain relief.


Chronic pain in the upper back that is not relieved by any of the above treatments can be a sign of a more serious condition. If this is the case, consult a doctor. You might be suffering from scoliosis (misalignment of the spine), which can be corrected surgically. If you have seriously injured your back muscles, your doctor might also try ultrasound treatments for a deep muscle massage.

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