Pregnancy Diet Plan – List of Dangerous Foods You Should Avoid While Pregnant!

By | October 26, 2016

One of the many things to keep in mind when you are pregnant is that your unborn bundle of joy eats and drinks what you eat and drink. There are some things that should be avoided in your pregnancy diet plan to keep you and baby healthy. You and your unborn baby need a diet that has a balanced amount of vitamins and nutrients for overall good health. It is vital to the health of you and baby to have a good diet plan. Below you will find a list of some things you should avoid because they are not safe for your baby. If you are eating any of these foods now, it is time to take them out of your pregnancy diet plan.

Fish containing mercury should be immediately eliminated from your diet as mercury has been linked to birth defects and brain damage. Canned tuna in moderation should be okay to consume while you are pregnant as it contains only small traces of mercury. Smoked seafood that has a label saying it is jerky, nova style, kippered or lox can be contaminated with listeria and should be put on your pregnancy diet plan as foods to avoid. Some canned smoked seafood may be okay to eat when used for cooking. Salmonella can live in raw meat, so any undercooked poultry or other meat should be avoided. Deli meat may be a quick and easy snack when you are hungry, but it is not good for the baby. It can be contaminated with listeria and could cause a miscarriage. If you cannot resist deli meat, and you do not want to completely eliminate it from your diet, you will need to reheat before you eat.

You want to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby, so please incorporate a healthy pregnancy diet plan that will provide you and your baby all the healthy nutrients you both need. Make sure you get all the facts about healthy eating during pregnancy so you are fully informed about what foods to eat and what foods to avoid. The same holds true for what you drink. Putting together a healthy diet plan with the help of online information and your doctor is one of the things you can do to ensure the health of your unborn baby. Cravings can get in the way sometimes, but if you are careful and use certain foods in moderation you can satisfy your craving as well as follow a good pregnancy diet plan and be healthy.

If you are not eating healthy and not doing some type of mild exercise everyday, then now is a great time for you to start! Give your unborn baby the fighting chance with being the most healthiest and happiest baby in the world. You can find out more about how to maintain a great pregnancy diet plan and even learn how to control a weight gain pregnancy today by visiting

Find out more about a great pregnancy diet plan and learn how to control a weight gain pregnancy Today!