Measuring Sodium Intake May Not Be So Easy

Eating foods high in salt is known to contribute to high blood pressure, but does that linear relationship extend to increased risk of cardiovascular disease and death? While recent studies have contested that relationship, a new study confirms it. The study – published in the International Journal of Epidemiology by investigators from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and… Read More »

Sports Massage: An Important Aspect of a Serious Athlete's Regimen

If you are a serious athlete or even a recreational athlete then you already know that your daily regiment prepares you for optimal use of your skills and energies for your favored sporting event. However, continuous exercise and fitness regimen also causes extreme soreness and muscle tension that gets increasingly worse if you do not… Read More »

Aspirin — Surprising Alternative to Get the Benefits Without Harm

By Dr. Mercola There are a number of conditions that come under the umbrella term of cardiovascular disease. The term includes diseases of the blood vessels, which increase the potential for developing coronary artery disease, arrhythmias and stroke.1 Each year, heart disease is on the list of serious health conditions and one of the leading… Read More »