Why Do Health Insurers Require Prior Authorization?

Author Lauren Lau Published March 6, 2021 Word count 1,121 Health Insurers and Prior Authorization Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of prior authorization Medical Utilization Management “This procedure will require prior authorization.” Words that no patient or healthcare provider wants to hear when they are ready to proceed with a doctor-approved… Read More »

Transparency watchdog criticizes STAT’s non-disclosure on pro-Pharma op-ed

Should publications that post op-ed pieces tell us more about who wrote the op-ed and what their potential biases and conflicts of interest might be? I’m in the camp that answers a resounding YES. Till Bruckner is, too. He writes for Transparify, an organization that rates “the financial transparency of major think tanks.” He is… Read More »

How to live longer: Meditation linked to lower cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar

In a randomised controlled trial, 60 older adults with subjective cognitive decline were asked to meditate for 12 minutes each day for 12 weeks. The study, published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s disease, showed that meditation had a significant improvement in subjective memory function. Participants in the study showed improvements in sleep, mood, stress, well-being… Read More »