Male fertility: Tips for Semen Enhancement

By | January 31, 2018

For a couple who decides to make physical contact with family, it is expected that the woman will become pregnant ‘with first. Given that about 1 in 5 cycles are fertile, it is likely that the woman will conceive on the third, fourth or even fifth try, because fertility is naturally a pair of 20% per cycle on average. Consequently not worry about your fertility after two or more “failed” efforts. But when we really ask yourself if something is wrong with you or your partner?

When a couple is infertile

When a couple fails to conceive after one year of systematic (1-2 times a week) and unprotected contact (without contraception or condom use), is infertile, according to the World Health Organization. The period of one year reduced to six months for a woman over 35 years.

However, even after a year the couple fails to conceive, it’s worth, if under 35 years-to try for another year. It proved that in two years 80-85% of couples have a child. If, however, after one or at most two years of efforts she has conceived, it must begin to investigate the causes of infertility.

Reason for infertility

As regards the reasons for male infertility, we see in this cause due to factors that affect or regulate the functioning of the testes causes, or cause arising from the operation of the testicles and causes testicular causes, related to the kidnapping of semen and ejaculation.

Diseases of the hypothalamus characterized by the absence of secretion of a factor that releases gonadotropins (Gonatotropin-Releasing Factor) and leads to failure of both gonadotropins, ie follicle stimulating hormone or FSH (Folicle Stimulating Hormone) and luteinizing or LH (Leuteneizing Hormone). This disorder identifies the syndrome, whose main characteristic is the delay of puberty, the anosmia, the cranial asymmetry and color blindness, and where hormonal determination demonstrates the low price testosterone and (hypogonadism).

How fertile are we?

H human fertility stands at 20% per cycle, while the figure for the baboon is 80% and 90% of rabbits. Certain theories attribute the low monthly rate of fertility in human fetal chromosomal abnormalities. Based on these theories, explained that because the 25% of arrests in physical contact resulting in miscarriages and also because 50-80% of embryos from IVF fail to implant in the uterus.

Male Fertility & Nutrition

Not eating a proper diet can have the following effects:

• It can impair hormone function, preventing sperm production, and produces abnormal sperm.
• There is no question that our diets have undergone dramatic changes over the last 100 years and these have affected male fertility rates and have seen a dramatic rise in male infertility.
• Before we look at our top supplements, here are some tips on a diet for increasing male fertility.
• Eat Natural: Eat “naturally from the earth” gets plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish, poultry, legumes, nuts, of brown rice and seeds.
• Avoid junk food, processed foot and foods high in saturated fat.
• Water: Drink plenty of water at least 2 -3 liters a day to kataksei any toxins in the body.
• Pumpkin Seeds: Great food for male fertility, as they contain high levels of zinc and essential fatty acids that are vital to the healthy functioning of the male reproductive system.