Lower Your Systolic Blood Pressure Without Pills – Here’s How!

By | May 4, 2018

Do you have a high systolic blood pressure and need to lower it? It is the top number of your bp reading. Here is how you can lower it naturally without pills.

Millions of people, struggle with this on a daily basis. For many, it is something that is supposedly hereditary. You know, when you go to the doctor and they ask for family health illnesses/conditions, there is that little box for high blood pressure.

Well, the one big key to winning this battle is to control what you can control. You can’t control everything. For instance, I played college basketball, and one year when we had our physicals, the trainers took my bp and it was high, more specifically my systolic pressure. They took it again 5 minutes later and it was normal. So things like stress good or bad, excitement, etc. can effect your blood pressure. Also, there is history of high blood pressure in my family, so that may have contributed to it.

But you can control your lifestyle, which is the biggest factor between having high and low bp. My mom has struggled with hers for years, it has been times that it was crazy high, so high that she had to get on medication.

She didn’t want to take pills and she knew she had to make some lifestyle changes. The first thing she did was change up her diet, she began eating healthier and drinking more water. She then became more active, walking more and doing more outdoor activities. Fast forward two months, she has lost over 20lbs, and her blood pressure has dropped! If not yet, she will be finished with taking those pills soon!

So the keys to lowering your systolic blood pressure is simple, follow a system that promotes healthy and TASTY eating, strength and cardiovascular exercise 3 to 4 days a week, and a active lifestyle. There is no big secret, these are the simple steps to getting it done without pills.

Now a lot of people need help with changing, and lowering their systolic blood pressure is no different. So if you want a real natural hypertension remedy, then you need to grab this report, what you will learn is like nothing you have ever seen!