Karla Denize is a Glamour and Fitness Model, Clinical Psychoanalyst and Bikini Fitness IFBB competitor from Brazil. She has won many competitions and is now an accomplished model and an Instagram influencer.
Women Fitness President Ms. Namita Nayyar had a candid interview with Karla Denize who is Glamour and Fitness Model, where she talks about her workout, diet, hair & skin care secrets and about her achievements as a Bikini Fitness IFBB competitor.
Namita Nayyar:
You were born at Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brazil. Your main profession is of Clinical Psychoanalyst. Later you went into modeling and as a Bikini Fitness IFBB competitor. Tell us more about this journey of hard work and endurance?
Karla Denize:
First, I would like to thank you the Women Fitness to this opportunity to talk about my journey.
So, I was studying and finished the university when I began to train to have a good shape, and during this process I loved this life style and decided to compete and work like model and model fitness and my life moved.
Nowadays, I feel very motivated with my work as a fitness model, it is something that I really like and I do it with a lot of effort and dedication!
Namita Nayyar:
You move from Brazil to Argentina and other countries for your professional career. For a model adjusting to new countries with their own cultures, it must be difficult and then to adjust with modeling career in the new foreign land, what advice you can give to fellow models in a similar situation?

Karla Denize:
First, I knew the people and the language about their countries and after emerged the opportunities to make the events and jobs like model fitness, I compete in Argentina too, introducing a good work on the competitions and everything was so positive. I thing that if you want to work like a model in other countries is good to have friend there or to make friends there to lean about the culture and have a good communication to show your work your personality and have positives and important experiences in professional career.
Namita Nayyar:
You are a leading Media personality, Fitness Model, Clinical Psychoanalyst, and Brand Ambassador. How do you manage such a remarkable multi-dimensional lifestyle?

Karla Denize:
I began to understand that everything that is important for me needs to be part of my life, so I need to training everyday organize my routine, organize my moments during the day to make the photos, and work like Clinical Psychoanalyst too. I just need to organize and love all the things that I make, these things are be part of me.
Full Interview is Continued on Next Page
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