How To Choose The Best Diet to Lose Weight

By | November 4, 2016

Everyone is searching for the best diet. To lose weight most people know they must eat a little less and get their bodies moving a little more. Most people are also familiar with at least a few of the popular diets, and many people have tried at least a dozen of them in their attempts at losing weight. Yet most of these dieting people are still fat today, because they have not found the diet and exercise that is the perfect fit for their lives and personality.

It is easy to blame yourself when one diet after another fails. You think you are weak, have no will power, and sometimes simply feel taking the weight off will be impossible for you. All of this is understandable, but it is time to wake up and realize that it cannot all be blamed on your own weakness for chocolate donuts or cheese steak.

A huge part of the battle is picking the best diet. To lose weight and keep it off in the long term you have to find a plan that you can live with for the rest of your life. Since we all lead very different lives, obviously the correct approach for weight loss is going to be different for us all. That is the problem with most diets: they are too structured to possibly be a lifelong solution for everyone. That is why we see so many different plans with wide numbers of successful participants. There is something for everyone; you just have to find it.

Most people judge a diet and exercise program based on how much weight it claims to take off and in what time frame. They do not give as much consideration to what they have to do to get those results, because they get caught up wanting those quick results. The problem is, the details of what you have to do really do matter more than how fast your weight loss will be!

Think of it this way: if you cannot do the plan for the rest of your life, you are only going to put the weight back on at some point in the future. More than likely, that future time will be much sooner than you expect. This is why it is more important to consider the demands of a diet and exercise program and find one that fits into your lifestyle, or represents a healthier lifestyle that lines up with how you want to live.

For example, someone who is clearly not a morning person starts a program that recommends a workout routine first thing in the morning. They set the alarm at 5 A.M. rather than 6 and start out gung-ho. But getting up that early just is not a fit for their personality and body, so it does not happen very often. They fail within a week because they just cannot get up at that time. Usually, this person will decide they have failed and quit altogether, feeling even worse about themselves.

Had this person taken an honest assessment of their lifestyle and how their body feels in the mornings they would have realized this part of the plan was not going to work for them. One option is to change the plan a little and fit that workout in later on. The other option is to find another plan.

Essentially, we set ourselves up for failure when we start a program that for us is not the best diet. To lose weight effectively you need to be honest about what parts of your life you can actually change and which parts are just a part of your personality and are not going to change.

The best diet to lose weight is the one that you will actually do!