Fast Diet – 3 Common Foods That Might Be Making You Fat

By | September 21, 2016

In this article we will discuss a fast diet and 3 common foods that might be making you fat. When you cut out the 3 foods below, you will lose weight quickly and easily and your body will function better.

1. Sugar: Sugar will make you fat, what many people don’t know however is that even eating no calorie sweeteners will too. Sugar is not good for your body, and tricking your body that you are eating sugar is just as bad as eating it because it makes you crave even more sweets. Back in the day people only ate 1 teaspoon of sugar per year, now people eat about 50 teaspoons of sugar per day.

Our bodies cannot adapt to this new level and the result as been an epidemic of obesity, diabetes, even cancer. You can decrease your sugar intake easily, cutting out soda will help immensely and your weight will drop fast.

2. Wheat: Wheat has been genetically modified in America; because our bodies don’t know how to handle the modification, wheat allergies have become much more common. The worst part is that most people don’t even know that their body is having a hard time handling wheat and that it is contributing to their weight problem. Depression, anger and even anxiety can all be caused by having a wheat allergy.

Depression and allergies are large scale problems, yet instead of treating the cause, doctors are treating the symptoms with dangerous, body damaging drugs. Almost all processed foods contain wheat, stop eating junk food and you will lose weight quickly and feel much better.

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3. Dairy: Just like wheat, people can have hidden dairy allergies that can alter their mood, energy levels and more. Animals that are injected with antibiotics contribute to our own problems when we ingest the cheese and milk products from these animals.

But since symptoms can be subtle, like a headache, most people don’t address the problems going on in their body that stem from a dairy allergy. The hormones are terrible for our systems, introduce soy or organic products and you’ll see a difference in your mood and even your waist line.

This article discussed a fast diet and 3 foods that may be making you fat. Sugar, wheat and dairy might be the problem, even if you have tried everything else and can’t lose weight, stop eating these three foods and you will likely see a fast drop in your weight. Finding alternatives might seem hard, but it really isn’t and pretty soon you won’t even miss eating these three foods.

Lose Weight Fast and Easy

Tess Rainey, a mother of two and health enthusiast, has created a website that can help you lose weight fast and keep it off. Her website,, has information about a fast dieting as well as fast diet plans.

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