Author Archives: Health

Viewers get scenery, not science, as CNN explores global ‘secrets’ to living longer

In CNN’s reality-based series, “Chasing Life,” correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta travels to far-flung reaches of the planet to explore health care practices rooted in cultural traditions. The show — which is available on the streaming platform CNNgo — was produced by the same division that created Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown, and it was clearly designed… Read More »

‘Medicare for All’ likely to keep private payers, but erode margins: Moody’s

As 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls tout healthcare reform plans from beefing up the Affordable Care Act to “Medicare for All,” Moody’s, Harvard Medical School and others are weighing in on the cost and likely disruption to the health sector. Their conclusion: Medicare for All could prove a significant threat to traditional insurers, but building on… Read More »

Gold is pretty, but it is not an investment

I often hear people talking about their “investment” in gold. Then there are those who have a “diversified portfolio,” and gold is one of their forms of diversification. I’ve encountered people who have $ 60,000 worth of gold bars in their home safe, in case of a major financial crisis. We all see the celebrities… Read More »