Author Archives: Health

Boiron Chestal Adult Cough Syrup, Honey, 6.7 Ounce, Homeopathic Medicine for Cough and Chest Congestion

Boiron was founded in 1932 in Lyon, France, by twin brothers and pharmacists Jean and Henri Boiron. As the world leader in homeopathic medicines, Boiron is a 2 million public company with 3,700 employees and distribution in 59 countries. It is best known for Oscillococcinum, a top-selling flu medicine, and its Arnicare line of pain relievers.… Read More »

Calvin Gruneck: Connecting the Dots

Calvin Gruneck – The CIA says “Our failures are known, our successes are not.” This is a story about a failure that was successful. After the October 28th 2010 cargo bomb plots, I began thinking that something was not right. This plot was prevented by Saudi Intel given to our intelligence agencies. Farouk Abdulmutallab was… Read More »

Natracet – Advanced Opiate Withdrawal Aid and Support Supplement – 60 Capsules

Natracet was developed by organic chemists, research scientists, botanists and biologists who understand how the powers of all natural herbal ingredients can have beneficial affects on the minds and bodies of people seeking opioid or alcohol withdrawal supplement treatment. Natracet’s holistic approach to dietary supplements requires professional scientific knowledge to determine the specific amount and… Read More »