PREMIUM GLUCOSAMINE COMPLETE FOR DOGS & CATS A pure and potent joint health supplement that contains powerful, medicinal anti-aging properties. It’s a must for pets of all breeds, ages, shapes, sizes and colors. Containing a higher amount of active ingredients compared to other joint supplements. It’s time for you to be impressed! Check it out for yourself! Effective Potent levels of glucosamine, MSM, chondroitin, vitamin C, and hyaluronic acid. Provides the ultimate powerhouse for joint health and anti-aging. Perfectly formulated for a canine or feline’s body and needs. Making the perfect cocktail of essential nutrients to keep the body moving at an optimal level. So you can feel at peace again knowing your fur baby is living in comfort.
- No fancy frills, just a pure & powerful natural anti-inflammatory for aging & hurting joints
- Anti-aging component hyaluronic acid turns back the clock on joints for youth & vitality
- Potent natural home remedy medicine for effective arthritis pain relief & rejuvenation
- Your must have supplement that absorbs better & is more effective than powder chews or pill pockets
- For deteriorating pets who can’t run & play like they used to & pet parents with a breaking heart