15 Pro Tips for Reducing the Appearance of Under Eye Bags

By | September 4, 2018

15 Pro Tips for Reducing the Appearance of Under Eye Bags

Tips for Reducing the Appearance of Under Eye Bags

As soon as women hit their twenties one thing that is always on their mind is aging. Wrinkles, dark spots, fine lines are all signs of aging with under eye being the most dreadful one. From home remedies to expensively imported face creams, we have seen women try them all of them in order to avoid and diminish under eye bags.  If you are among these women, then today is your lucky day as we will give you 15 pro tips for reducing the appearance of under eye bags.

Before going onto the tips, it is important to know what causes under-eye so we can prevent them in the first place. You might have noticed that the skin underneath your eyes is more sensitive, soft and thin than the rest of your face’s skin, which is why signs of aging like wrinkles, dark circles including under eye bags are more likely to appear. Moreover, as you age so does the muscle around your eye and the fat around your eye also starts to droop which adds to under-eye bags.

How to get rid of under-eye bags

Even though there is nothing that can be done about aging, but there are ways and trick with which we can reduce the appearance of under-eye bags and prevent them from appearing sooner.

Change the way you sleep

Use an additional pillow to raise your head so that fluid retention that leads to eye bags can be avoided.

Always get your beauty sleep

Always get a full night’s sleep; it’s called beauty sleep for a reason.

Never go to bed with makeup

Sleeping with your makeup can lead to skin problems like breakouts and can aggravate existing problems.

Eye creams are your best friend

Eye creams are specifically designed to address problems related to the eye area.

Suggested products: Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Renew Anti-Puff Eye Roller, Olay Age Defying Eye Gel 

Use an eye cream with a cooling applicator

Using an eye cream with a cooling applicator can make your skin brighten immediately and can reduce eye bags if used consistently over time.

Always keep your eye cream in the refrigerator

Cold is good for your skin. it temporarily reduces puffiness which is why it is recommended to store eye creams in the fridge.

Keep a spoon or two in your fridge

Chilled spoons can also reduce the appearance of under-eye. Always store a spoon or two in the fridge and use them on your eye bags.

Cucumber slices always help

We have all seen movies and advertisements in which women are seen relaxing with cucumber slices on their eyes. The reason why this is so popular is that it works like magic! Try placing cool cucumber slices on your eyes for reduced puffiness.

Try a cold compress

Did you know that by using a cold compress you can temporarily reduce under eye bags? Many celebrities and socialites use a cold compress before going on to an event to de-puff their eye and face.

Try eye masks

After lip masks, eye masks are the new trend. As the skin near our eyes is thinner than the rest of the faces, we can use regular masks around the eye area which is why an eye mask is necessary for healthy skin near the eyes.

Always protect your eyes from the sun

Make sure that you always wear an eye cream formulated with SPF, sunglasses or a brimmed hat to protect your eyes from the sun.

Take care of your allergies

Allergies cause itchiness, watery eyes, and puffiness which enhance the appearance of under-eye. Taking care of your allergies can really reduce the appearance of under-eye.

Choose a healthy lifestyle

Our appearance is affected by what we eat. If you want to appear youthful then always eat healthily and cut down on the salt. 

Conceal it up

Use a concealer to hide yours under eye bags. Use a concealer which allows a build up coverage.

Use a color corrector

Using a color corrector can mask the dark circles that come with under-eye bags. It might be a little intimidating to use a different hue but covering it with a concealer will do the trick.

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