Write A Plan – Achieve Your Healthy Goal

By | October 21, 2018

Healthy Goal

To achieve success in any sphere, a system of consistent actions is a necessary thing. Many believe that it is enough to define the goal and go to it, but it’s not so simple. If the goal is long-term, then you run the risk of facing the difficulties, which can be overcome neither by motivation nor hope. 

Achieving the goal is like a long, exhausting race. Someone can start running fast and will fall down in a short time. Obviously, healthy goals are not among short-term ones. And if you can type “write my essay” and receive an excellent essay, then typing “lose my weight” is a nonsense. 

In this regard, in order to achieve the desired goal, it is a must to follow the particular scheme which will reveal all important steps that have to be taken by you. Below is the example of such ones.

Find Your Goal

Do not set such a banal goal like “I want to become thin.” Of course, such a goal may be, but you must approach the formulation of the problem in a different way. For example, try to focus on the main benefits of the final goal. “I want to wear a skirt XS sized,” “I want to be too thin for my favorite jeans,” “I want to make a photo before and after.” Or if your goal is not to lose weight but to power up, set the appropriate goal like “to increase the weight of bars,” etc. 

One of the key moments of successful achievement is motivation. When you have it, make sure that it is important to you and meets your values. The goal must have clearly defined advantages. Moreover, it should be appropriate for the overall picture of your life. When you define it, make sure that you are very interested in achieving it by following these steps:

  • Ask yourself “Have your interests and needs been taken into consideration? 
  • How much do you need it? (assess from 1 to 10)
  • Write down all the benefits that you expect to get if you reach your goal.

Why are the goals so important? They program our mind. They focus on achieving a certain result. You begin to unconsciously act correctly and make the right decisions.

Moreover, the key factor is to define concrete but not a general goal. You need to specify everything in anything: if you want to lose weight, say that you want to lose 10kg, etc. Therefore, your goals will symbolize the whole concept. 

Find Inspiration

What is an inspiration? This is a very pleasant state when it’s easy to breathe, the thoughts are clear, you want to turn the mountains and you have great chances to succeed in it. Psychologists call this state a powerful upsurge when the productivity of a person increases several times. What are the reasons? The reasons encompass new feelings, emotions, and experiences. The key word here is “new”. It can be a book, a picture, a movie, etc. The main feature is being new.

By the way, new is an individual notion. It is some kind of an impulse which is superimposed on the previous experience and gives rise to new feelings and sensations.

Healthy goals, in this case, may require a specific kind of inspiration. Generally, it depends on the final goal. For instance, you want to lose weight, try to find someone who has already succeeded in it. Such a person can share the important information with you that could lead to your success as well. If you want to have a healthy diet, try to look for additional information on how many benefits it will bring to your body. 

Is there any universal thing that can motivate us to succeed in our tasks? According to American psychologists, there are three main categories which are responsible for inspiration – a hobby, people and self-development:

  • hobby: new goals and the desire to implement them will appear by themselves when you are engaged with your favorite hobby. You want to develop and reach new heights;
  • people: a lot depends on people. Sometimes it is difficult to solve some problem without a “fresh look”. Therefore, the advice of the people around us will help to come up with new ideas;
  • self-development: it is an axiom, which is confirmed by examples of successful people. You always need to set new goals, so that there is something to strive for. Therefore, there will be a constant interest for everything. Self-development can encompass reading books, learning a new language, professional courses, and training, etc.

Create a Plan

This is one of the most important steps. You have to determine a list of tasks that will help you to achieve the desired goal. All the instruments which will contribute to success have to be mentioned as well. 

The best plan is a written plan. In this case, there is no opportunity to forget something to complete. So how to succeed in writing a plan? See the steps below.

  • Step one – take a clean sheet of paper or prepare a notebook. This will be your holy book where all important information will be written.
  • Step two – determine the ways of how you will achieve your goal. What steps will you take to be able to succeed? Identify the steps or actions or methods that you need to do and write them down.
  • Step three – create a schedule. How much time do you need to complete the first task? Write down everything, starting with the one you need to do first, then the next one and so on. Make sure you do not forget anything. Of course, every day is different, and therefore, the plan will vary from day to day.
  • Step four – analyze the day. When you have completed almost all the tasks mentioned in the plan for a day, take a moment to see if you stick to it. Have you finished everything that was planned? Where did you make a mistake? What worked and what did not? What distracts you, and how can you deal with the distracting factor in the future?

Now it is high time to implement your dream – go on and never give up!

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