Why Isn’t Your Fast Diet Working Too Well?

By | September 20, 2016

You’ve put on weight. Those favourite jeans are far too tight! Action is needed! Fast Diet Alert!!

The answer’s easy to what you’ll automatically do next…

You’ll start missing meals. You’ll stop having breakfast… You won’t have enough fuel in your body to get through the day…

There maybe some logic to this… If you skip meals then you’re eating less so you’ll lose weight… Won’t you? No you won’t… It’s just wrong. Completely wrong. And it’s this very reason that stops your fast diet working in the way it should…

What’s this about? Well, when we were evolving in cave man days there wasn’t a concept of losing weight or dieting. If there was lack of food the fittest bodies had evolved to cope with this in the short term. Those that couldn’t cope with it died off…

And being clever, mother nature made us able to cope with less food and so if you deprive your body of food it fights the trend and wins. And you don’t effectively lose weight… So starving yourself isn’t the way to drop the pounds…

It has been found in research projects that thin people differ from their chubbier (fatter?) peers by the fact that they eat less saturated fats and more complex carbs…

What do you have to do for a successful fast diet? First realise that you can lose weight pretty fast. People put on approximately 2 or 3 pounds a year after the age of 25 on average. That’s pretty normal. Ok, many people put on a great deal more, so over 10 years you will normally, if you haven’t been too careful with your diet, increase by about 25 pounds. But this amount of weight, without too much effort can be lost in a lot less than 6 months! So that’s a fast diet in comparison with the speed that it went on… It’s not going to happen over night but follow some basic advice and with a bit of discipline then your weight will drop off.

Long term success means you have to keep up your new eating regime for most of the time and throw in a bit of exercise along the way – your life style will become more active and less sedentary. Walking is great exercise. It builds muscle, strengthens your heart and bones and also raises your vitamin D levels as you’re out in fresh air and getting sunshine on your skin. Walking is also great for reducing stress and making you feel more mentally alert…

It may be politically incorrect but being fat and inactive is the easy option but it’s too late to think about your fitness levels when your suffering from blocked arteries and you heart’s ready to pack up… If you want to lengthen your life and avoid medical nasties then take action while you can… Not pleasant to face but it’s true!

If you’re over weight and need free help and information pay a visit to fast diet where you’ll access all you need to lead a healthier life style that you can fully enjoy.

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