Weekly Health Quiz: Exercise, Diet and Holiday Hazards – New York Times

By | December 21, 2018

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A Swedish study found that the peak time to have a heart attack was:

Christmas Eve

Christmas Day

New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Day

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Evan Sung for The New York Times

True or false? To lower the risk of food-borne illness, rinse that Christmas turkey inside and out with cold water before cooking.



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Why is exercise so good for us? Scientists are getting new clues from proteomics, which refers to how related groups of these molecules work together:


Metabolic markers

Blood proteins


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In households with no pets, about a third of children had allergies, a Swedish study found. In homes with five or more cats or dogs, what percentage of children had allergies?

50 percent

25 percent

10 percent

None of the children had allergies in homes with many pets

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Members of the Hadza tribe in Tanzania on a zebra hunt. Brian Wood

A study of modern hunter-gatherer groups found that this diet was likely optimal for human health:

Paleo diet

High-protein diet

High-carbohydrate diet

Tribes eating a wide range of diets exhibited excellent metabolic health

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Women entering menopause may experience memory problems and other cognitive deficits, likely a result of dropping levels of this hormone:




Thyroid-stimulating hormone

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Women who breast-fed for six months or longer tended to have:

Larger waist sizes up to 10 years later

Smaller waist sizes up to 10 years later

Breast-feeding had little impact on waist circumference

"diet|weightloss" – Google News